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If your problem isn't yet listed here or you need other help, please use Stack Overflow first with the
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RxJS v5 (or rxjs-compat) operators are missing! e.g. TypeError: action$.ofType(...).switchMap is not a function
Version v1.0.0 of redux-observable requires RxJS v6, which uses pipeable operators instead of prototype-based methods. To aid in migration there is an rxjs-compat layer that lets you use the old v5 APIs.
So if you're using rxjs-compat (or using a pre-1.0 version of redux-observable), and still getting an error like this where an operator is missing, you most likely need to import the operator you're looking for. RxJS supports the ability to add operators individually so your bundles remain small.
Add all operators
If you want to instead add all operators, you can import the entire library inside your entry index.js
import 'rxjs';
This will add every core RxJS operator to the Observable
Add only the operators you use
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';
// OR
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operator/switchMap';
There are several ways to do this, so we don't suggest any particular one in the docs. Check out the RxJS documentation on this.
If you use the 'rxjs/add/operator/name'
technique, you may find it helpful to create a single file where you place all of these so you don't have to import the same operators repeatedly.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined
This almost always means you're using an operator somewhere that expects to be provided with an observable but you instead did not give it anything at all. Often, you may be passing a variable but it is unknowingly set to undefined
, so step through a debugger to confirm.
Happens from combineEpics()
Usually this means you're not returning an observable from one or more of your Epics. Often this is just a missing return
const myEpic = action$ => { // MISSING EXPLICIT RETURN!
action$.pipe(ofType(...), etc(...))
this is set to Window
If you are organizing your epics into a class. (E.g. in order to benefit from Angular 2 dependency injection), you might have made the mistake of using class methods:
class TooFancy {
constructor(private somethingInjected:SomethingInjected)
checkAutoLogin (action$: Observable<IPayloadAction>) {
console.log(this); // Is Window! when called from redux-observable
follow the docs and:
class TooFancy {
constructor(private somethingInjected:SomethingInjected)
checkAutoLogin = (action$: Observable<IPayloadAction>) => {
console.log(this); // You can access somethingInjected
See (Arrow functions used as methods)
It seems like your epics are not responding to actions
You might be returning the result of calling subscribe
on an Observable
from one of your epics.
const myEpic = action$ => {
return action$.pipe(ofType(...))
// performing side effect with .subscribe but not returning an Observable,
// usually don't want to do this
.subscribe(item => console.log(item));
The problem with this is that calling subscribe
on an Observable
does not return another Observable
All epics should return an Observable
If you ran into this issue and want to learn more about it, read through this issue:
If you want your epic to be "read-only", meaning you want it to perform side-effects without producing any downstream actions, you can use the following pattern.
import { ofType } from 'redux-observable';
import { map, tap, ignoreElements } from 'rxjs/operators';
const myEpic = action$ => {
return action$.pipe(
tap(item => console.log(item)),
This approach essentially returns an empty Observable
from the epic, which does not cause any downstream actions.
Typescript: ofType operator won't narrow to proper Observable type
Let's say you have following action types + action creator types:
import { Action } from 'redux'
const enum ActionTypes {
const doOne = (myStr: string): One => ({ type: ActionTypes.One, myStr })
const doTwo = (myBool: boolean): Two => ({ type: ActionTypes.Two, myBool })
interface One extends Action {
type: ActionTypes.One
myStr: string
interface Two extends Action {
type: ActionTypes.Two
myBool: boolean
type Actions = One | Two
When you're using ofType
operator for filtering, returned observable won't be correctly narrowed within Type System, because its not capable of doing so yet ( TS 2.6.2 ).
To fix this, you need to explicitly set the generic type, so Typescript understands your intent, and narrows your action stream correctly:
// This will let action be `Actions` type, which is wrong
const epic = (action$: ActionsObservable<Actions>) =>
// action is still type Actions instead of One
map((action) => {...})
// Explicitly set generics fixes the issue
const epic = (action$: ActionsObservable<Actions>) =>
// action is correctly narrowed to One
map((action) => {...})
Something else doesn’t work
If you think your issue is a bug with redux-observable, create an issue;
If you figure it out, edit this document as a courtesy to the next person having the same problem.